We consider the social impact of decisions made when managing projects throughout their life cycles. Helping clients understand the norms of local communities allows them to address local priorities and build lasting positive relationships.

Our Commitment


Protect the safety and health, and prioritizing social well-being of our employees


Promote lifelong learning opportunities and professional development in the workforce through a plethora of internal and external training


Combat all forms of discrimination to achieve greater gender equality, ending all discrimination against women, empowering women and providing equal rights to all employees regardless of gender


Promote inclusive and decent work by encouraging job creation


Provide fair treatment and equal rights to employees without discrimination during hiring, on the job and upon leaving and respect the rights and opportunities of all people to operate a diverse and inclusive business that reflects the local community


HEB contributes to society by providing opportunities and employment through Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (Protégé). Protégé equips Malaysian graduates with the necessary skills and experience to thrive in the corporate world. The 12-month programme blends intensive soft skills classroom training with on-the-job training opportunities, offering practical skills and real-life experiences to build a strong foundation for a successful future. First launched in 2019, Protégé is under the purview of the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Corporation (MEDAC).


  1. Ending all discrimination against women, empowering women and providing equal rights at work to all employees regardless of gender
  2. Providing fair treatment and equal rights to employees without discrimination during hiring, on the job and upon leaving

HEB also strives to ensure that all employees are aware of these priorities. As part of its efforts to promote compliance, HEB established consultation officers and grievance mechanisms to address violations and grievances.


We introduced a Whistle-Blower Policy in order to maintain the highest level of corporate ethics. All employees have a professional responsibility to disclose any known malpractices or wrongdoings.

Whistle-blowers are protected against being dismissed or penalised. Every effort is made to protect the Whistle-blower’s identity with appropriate regard for confidentiality. We never reveal Whistle-blowers’ identities unless there is an overriding legal obligation.


  1. Improving the safety and health of employees and promoting the well-being of all
  2. Delivering inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all employees
  3. Combating all discrimination and stereotypes in engineering to achieve greater gender equality
  4. Promoting inclusive and decent work by encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation
  5. Reducing inequality within the organisation

Read Our Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report 2022

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustainability Report 2020

Sustainability Report 2019

Sustainability Report 2018


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