The Tamil Nadu coastline stretching over 900km had two major ports and a few minor ports (with meagre infrastructure). These minor ports were insufficient and inadequate to sustain future demand. To rationally evolve port development strategies to support the industrial growth in Tamil Nadu, the Government had appointed Consulting Engineering Services (I) Ltd. to carry out a Techno Economic Feasibility Study in the year 1998 to set up a port near Coachel. This study recommended Manavalakurichi, a site near Colachel to be developed as a container hub port for Indian origin/destination containers. The Government of Tamil Nadu requested the Government of Malaysia to develop Colachel as a modern Container Transhipment Port with state of art facilities using Westport as a model. HSS was commissioned to prepare a Detailed Feasibility Report for Colachel Port development and to conduct the studies for the feasibility report to CIDB.