Towards Digital Railways – Signalling & Train Control System
By: Bassam Mansour
Signaling & Train Control (S&TC) System represent the life blood of any railway. The design, installation and effective testing and commissioning of the S&TC is a safety-critical activity that can’t be overemphasized. This paper looks at the background to signalling and the evolution towards digital railway in Malaysia, in particular the Communication Base Train Control (CBTC) […]
Pusat Rehabilitasi PERKESO
By: Ir. Jamil Ishak
Pusat Rehabilitasi PERKESO is the first rehabilitation complex in the world that combines medical and vocational rehabilitation with an allied health institute. Under PERKESO’s ‘Return to Work’ programme, disabled patients undergo physical and vocational rehabilitation in order to rejoin the workforce. Located on 55 acres of undulating landscape, a ‘primary spine’ for walking, wheelchair and […]
The MRT Project
By: Ir. Mathew
The main challenge facing the deteriorating urban transportation in the KL metropolitan area is the unsustainable growth in private transport demand. This challenge is made tougher by the declining public transport mode share. The reasons for the decline in public transport ridership include inadequate rail coverage, insufficient connectivity, stations in low-demand areas, unsatisfactory bus network […]